BTS of Online Business without the BS

Friday 10 min Tip - Email Automation and Tracking your Leads!

Tara Leson Episode 26

Quick tip all about using email tags to track what each subscriber has opted in for, manage leads more efficiently, and trigger automated email sequences! 

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Speaker 1:

We're going to do something a little bit new on the podcast. On Fridays, we're going to do 10 minute tips, and you know that I can be long-winded as fuck, so we are just going to do short and sweet little episodes here. They're going to be either tangible tips or just something to you know, think about before the weekend. So today I'm going to be telling you all about not all about, but like talking about email tags, so using the tags in your emails properly, because this is actually really huge, and I'm going to tell you why. First off, though, if you don't have an email list and even if you do, I recommend you grabbing this, because it's going to walk you through. This is my email automation 101 guide. It is going to walk you through like well, there's 20 plus freebie ideas in there, which is amazing. It also has strategy tips on how to create your freebie, set up your landing page and set up your email automation that delivers the freebie and sells your offer. There's five email prompts in there to set up those five automated emails, and that is. It's just really great for building your email list. So, whether you already have one, if you are just getting one started, make sure that you grab that. I will link it in the show notes. Start there. It is free.

Speaker 1:

So email tags this is huge and I think a lot of people are confused as to how this should work. All of the people that end up on your email list should have a tag, and even if people you know opt in for more than one thing, they should get a tag every single time. What the tag does is it lets you know what they've opted in for or what they have bought. So for each freebie let's talk about that first Each freebie every time someone opts in from a landing page, you are going to have it set up so that a subscriber your new subscriber gets tagged with the freebie name. That's how I like to do it. It makes it really simple. So then you know exactly what they have opted in for, so they get that name. When you opt in for the email automation 101 guide, you will have email automation 101 tagged beside your name. So then I know you've opted in for that.

Speaker 1:

Then, if I you know, if you choose to send an email to just those people when you go to send the email, you can do that. That's how tags work and it makes it very easy. You can do the same thing with lists, like it's a way of segmenting your subscribers. That is the number one thing. The second thing that it allows you to do is actually see when you're looking through your subscriber list.

Speaker 1:

You know people are always wondering how they keep track of their leads and you don't necessarily need a separate list to keep track of your leads and I will talk about how you can actually create like a follow-up system at another time. Maybe that'll be another tip but you don't need a separate list. What you can do is you can go through your email list. These are people that have opted into your email, so they're clearly interested in what you're doing and the tags are going to tell you what they're most interested in. So if someone has opted in for a bunch of different things, that lets you know what they're interested in and like they're really liking what you're doing. So that is someone that would be great to go and personally follow up with.

Speaker 1:

But you can go into each person, or usually you can go down like your whole list of subscribers and you can see all of the tags and see exactly what people have opted in for, and it allows you to really organize your leads and actually see what's going on on your list, going on on your list. If you don't have tags, you can't see this, you don't know, and you also can't send out emails that are targeted to certain segments of your list, like your whole subscriber list. So you really want to make sure that you have these tags attached to people as soon as they opt in. It's the same thing when people buy your offers, you do the same thing. You make sure that there's a specific tag that gets attached and this is how you know what they have bought.

Speaker 1:

The second thing that this does it also adds them to the automation that is going to deliver any emails. So for both the email automation like to send out your freebie, as well as send out the automated onboarding you have to have the tag there, because once they get the tag that allows the automation to actually be triggered to send those emails. If you don't have that on there, it's not going to send. So it's really, really important that you make sure that you have these tags on there and that you have the right ones on, because it's really, really important that you make sure that you have these tags on there and that you have the right ones on, because it's going to do all of these things for you and it is going to save you a ton of time because you're able to then set up your automated emails so that the person is tagged, they're sent into your email funnel, so that the person is tagged, they're sent into your email funnel.

Speaker 1:

All of these automated emails go out to either deliver your freebie and sell the offer afterwards, or, if they've bought something from you, deliver their onboarding email with all of the information and you can see. You know, once you go through your list of subscribers, what everyone is interested in. So email tags, one that you do not want to skip out on and you want to make sure that you have them set up anytime that you set up your landing page or you set up a sales page Very important, and they are super easy to set up. So make sure that they are there. Name them after the offer, after the freebie. Make it simple, very, very simple. That is my 10 minute tip. Hopefully it was under 10 minutes for you this Friday. I hope that you go enjoy your weekend and have a great one. Grab the email automation 101 guide so that you can either get started building your email list or you can just grab all of the other tips and great things that are in there, and I will catch you on the next one.